Thursday, November 6, 2008


One night, Jason was sweeping the kitchen floor and said to Elsie, "You, Mommy, and Claira sure do make quite a mess on the floor in here," to which Elsie responded, "You mean Mommy and Claira."

The area underneath Claira's highchair has become "the gas station" and Elsie likes to tell Claira that she'll meet her there.

Nearly everyday, Elsie brings her toy laptop into the kitchen and plays it at the table while I check my email. Then, I tell her to take her laptop back to her room when I'm making dinner in the evening. Here's my excerpt for you:

Day 1:
Mommy-Elsie, please take your laptop to your room.
Elsie-You mean my computer?

Day 2:
Mommy-Elsie, please take your laptop to your room.
Elsie-You mean my computer?

Day 3:
Mommy-Elsie, please take your laptop to your room.
Elsie-You mean my computer?

Day 4:
Mommy-Elsie, please take your laptop to your room.
Elsie-You mean my computer?

Day 5:
Mommy-Elsie, please take your computer to your room.
Elsie-You mean my laptop? You always say laptop, not computer, Mommy.

Go figure...obviously, she knows what I'm talking about either way.

Since Elsie has learned her phone number and address recently, she'll call the doctor on her phone and make "ointments" for her and Claira. Her monologue goes something like this:

Yes, my name is Elsie. That's E-L-S-I-E, and I need to make an ointment for Claira. She's my baby sister. I think she needs to see the doctor. (Pause) Sure. She then gives our complete phone number and address.
Half the time, Claira is right there beside her and fussing at her for the play phone Elsie's Elsie will usually mention to the doctor that she's going to have to go because her sister is being too noisy!


~aj~ said...

Elsie's phone calls to the doctor are hilarious (and impressive!). I'm amazed that she knows her entire address and phone number...haven't even thought of teaching that to Adam yet.

Those little sisters can be noisy, but they sure are cute, aren't they?! ;)

Emily S. said...

oh, man... so funny, and what a brilliant little smartie she is!!

~aj~ said...

You must be really busy these days. I am missing your blog updates on your family! :)

FYI, I tagged you for a meme yesterday. (It's an easy one, I promise). And I think I remember someone tagging you for that 7 Random Things meme that's been going around. Maybe Jen? No pressure or anything, just wanted to let you know in case you missed it.