Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Praise God I don't need a day job...

So, I believe I've got another sinus infection. I actually spent most of the winter feeling pretty well myself so I can't complain much, but it's tough to be sick while you're nursing! I have suspicions that taking some cold/allergy medications while I was pumping for Elsie may have caused some of the trouble with my supply. So, I'm being really cautious about what I take and how often I take it. It doesn't help that Claira has woke at 6:30 a.m. the past two mornings. I need sleep!

Anyway, I'm trying not to hold her too much in an effort to keep her healthy. I guess she had her fill of playing on the floor yesterday because she will have none of that today! She's spent half the day screaming her head off. Awhile ago, I finally got her calmed down and nursing so I started singing to her. It was part of my brilliant plan that if I stopped singing and she started to fuss, I'd just start singing again and she'd nurse happily, thinking she was just upset about the singing. Well, Elsie piped up and said, "Mommy, we have that song on the computer so you don't need to sing it." Yeah. Apparently, I'm no rockstar.


~aj~ said...

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Adam is picky about my singing at times as well. He also asks me to quit dancing all the time. You'll definitely never see me on Soul Train. :)

Martina said...

awww!! my kids hate it when i play certain songs (like a collective groan when i play josh groban) but luckily they've never said anything about my singing! i'd have to sing louder if they did, lol. ;)

Mandalynn said...

Today I was singing and Elsie kept saying, "Sing louder!" Go figure. She's a typical girl already...has no idea what she wants!