Thursday, April 10, 2008

Last time I checked...

we lived in the middle of town, not on a farm. Tell that to the animals! Remember the geese from a few weeks ago? Well, since then, they came and went, then about two weeks ago, they staged a sit-in. We could always find them on the property. Now, she's built a nest in the wood chip pile across the parking lot. You can see it in the background of the pictures. Anyway, she's always sitting on the nest, and he comes and's actually kinda sweet when I do spot him because he's usually just standing at the foot of the pile looking up at her. I can't imagine what they must be communicating to each other. Perhaps how many eggs she's layed or what she'd like for dinner. Who knows. Anyway, a few minutes ago, I spotted a pair of ducks wandering around the church yard as well. Seriously, it's just getting strange. I hope all of these animals start becoming friendly. Jason has been hissed at by the geese on multiple occasions!

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