Saturday, February 9, 2008

Elsie's Quilt

Before Claira was born, I purchased some fabric and sent it to my Grandma to make her a quilt. Well, Elsie loves the blanket and is always calling it hers...she gets upset if I want to spread it out on the floor to play with Claira on. So, I tentatively put it in my mind to be on the lookout for some cute Elsie fabric. I haven't been to the fabric store though. Instead, while I was searching for the best price on that cute ballerina wallie on Ebay a couple of weeks ago, I found that the same company made matching fabric! Oh my, that's a slice of Mandalynn Heaven right there! Of course, I stalked the auction and dh's mom actually ended up winning it and is going to work on the blanket. So, we've been on the search to find fabric that will look cute with it. It's not easy fabric shopping together when you live 6 hours apart! Anyway, this is a rough idea of what we came up, nothing is true to size since I just copied and pasted pictures from Ebay, but you get the idea. Elsie is going to love it!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

Awww, that is going to be so cute! You'll have to post pictures of the finished product!